Experiencing high ping on Windows 10 PC can be quite irritating if this issue keeps on bothering with your way of communication with the other gamers. A lot of online gamers tend to communicate a lot to get to know each other’s progress during gaming.
In order to do that, they will need a stable internet connection. Other than that, they also need to maintain a stable computer condition. If they do not have one of the two, then it will be quite difficult to maintain communication.
In addition to the crucial internet connection and stable computer condition, it is also important to elevate the computer speed. Along with that, gamers will also need to check their PC computers with the best temp monitor. With the maximum computer condition, then gamers can easily play the games without worry. If you are one of the online gamers out there, you can note these things before you consider every additional thing you need to improve the gaming experience
In relation to having good tools to improve your gaming experience, you can also inspect the high ping within your system. As an online gamer, it is important to maintain stable communication with each other. When your PC experiences high ping issue, then it will be difficult to do so. Some high configurations within the system may have a deal in creating this issue.
High Ping on Windows 10
When Windows 10 PC experiences high ping while you are playing Overwatch, Clash of Clans and other online games, the process of transferring data from one server to the recipient can be longer than intended. The ping issue usually revolves around the latency of network connection in relation to the computer condition. If you are one of the active online gamers, say Overwatch, Clash of Clans, and other games, the high ping issue on your Windows 10 PC can prove to be really irritating.
Other than the crucial internet connection and stable computer condition, it is also important to maintain the computer speed as well as its condition. Along with that, gamers will also need to check the hardware conditions of the PC itself. With the maximum computer condition, then gamers can easily play the games without worry. If you are one of the online gamers out there, you can note these things before you consider every additional thing you need to improve the gaming experience.
Nevertheless, you do not have to worry about why this high ping issue occurs on your Windows 10 PC for you can simply fix it with a couple of simple methods. Check the further explanation below and see the methods on how to fix the high ping issue.
Best Methods to Fix High Ping on Windows 10
Whenever your Windows 10 PC experiences high ping during the crucial moment you play Overwatch, Clash of Clans and many other online games, make sure to fix it immediately. Once you fix the issue, you can easily communicate with your fellow gamers back effectively. No need to wait for responses and data loading for you can simply communicate without any latency barrier anymore.
In order to know how to fix the high ping issue on your Windows 10 PC, you can follow one of the methods below.
Using Registry to Disable Network Throttling
Step 1: Open the Run box by pressing Windows and R buttons at the same time.
Step 2: Once the Run box appears, you can type regedit and press Enter to open Registry Editor.
Step 3: Type the registry “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile” and press Enter.
Step 4: Proceed to choose the option “SystemProfile”.
Step 5: Look at the right window pane and double-click on “NetworkThrottlingIndex”.
Step 6: Set the Base as “Hexadecimal”.
Step 7: See the value data field and type “FFFFFFFF”. Afterward, you can click “OK”.
Step 8: Then, type the registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\” and press Enter.
Step 9: Proceed to select a folder related to your network connection. Make sure to choose the right network connection by checking for your IP address, gateway, and the related information needed.
Step 10: Next, you can right-click the folder followed by selecting the option “New”.
Step 11: Afterward, select the option “DWORD (32-bit) Value”.
Step 12: Rename the new folder “DWORD” to “TCPackFrequency” and press Enter.
Step 13: Once more, you can create a new file named “DWORD” and rename it to “TCPNoDelay”.
Step 14: Afterward, proceed to set the Value of both “TCPackFrequency” & “TCPNoDelay” to 1.
Step 15: Then, click OK to save changes.
Step 16: Proceed to type this registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ” and press Enter.
Step 17: Afterward, right-click on the folder “MSMQ”.
Step 18: Proceed to choose the option “New” and create a “DWORD (32-bit) Value” file.
Step 19: Rename the file to “TCPNoDelay” and press Enter.
Step 20: Afterward, double-click on “TCPNoDelay” and set the value as 1 under value data field and click OK.
Step 21: Look for the MSMQ key and expand it. Check whether or not it has the Parameters subkey.
Step 22: If you cannot find the Parameters key, then you can create one by right-clicking on MSMQ. Proceed to select the option “New” and “Key”.
Step 23: Rename the new key as “Parameters” and press Enter.
Step 24: Proceed to right-click on the Parameters and choose the option “New”.
Step 25: Afterward, create a “DWORD (32-bit) Value” file.
Step 26: Rename the DWORD file to “TCPNoDelay” and set the value to 1.
Step 27: At last, choose to click on the “OK” button to save the changes and reboot your Windows 10 PC to apply it.
Using Task Manager to Disable Programs with High Network Usage
If you want to fix the high ping issue on your Windows 10 PC, you can try to disable some programs with high network usage. To do so, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1: Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl, Shift, and Esc buttons at the same time.
Step 2: Click on the option “More Details” to expand Task Manager.
Step 3: Sort the “Network” tab of Task Manager in a descending manner. See which programs take the most bandwidth.
Step 4: Proceed to close the programs which take the most bandwidth at once. Make sure not to close the important programs which are run by the operating system.
Set Metered Connection
If you try to set up a metered connection, you can try to disable the Windows auto-updates automatically. In order to do so, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go to the Settings by typing the word “settings” in the Window search box and click on the first option on the search list.
Step 2: On the Settings window, locate the section “Network & Internet” and click on it.
Step 3: Head to the “Ethernet” option on the left window pane.
Step 4: Select the internet network your Windows 10 PC is currently connected to.
Step 5: Switch the toggle to ON next to the option “Set as metered connection“.
Resetting Network Connection to Fix High Ping Issue on Windows 10 PC
Step 1: Open the Windows Settings by pressing Windows and I buttons.
Step 2: Head to the section “Network & Internet”.
Step 3: On the left window pane, locate the option “Status” and click on it.
Step 4: Find the option “Network reset” under “Status”.
Step 5: Once the new window appears, you can click on the option “Reset”.
Step 6: Confirm the action by selecting “Yes” on a confirmation window.
Step 7: At last, you can reboot your Windows 10 PC to save the changes.
Disabling Windows Auto-Updates
As one of the Windows core settings, auto-updates often take up high network usage for its routine uses. To stop high ping from occurring, you can try to disable the auto updates. Make sure to always update the Windows routinely even after you disable the auto-updates.
In order to perform this method to fix the high ping issue, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1: Open Windows Settings by pressing Windows and I buttons at the same time.
Step 2: Afterward, you can click on the “Update & Security” section.
Step 3: See the left-hand window and locate the option “Windows Update“. Click on it.
Step 4: Proceed to see the options under Windows Update and click on “Advanced” options.
Step 5: Find the option “Delivery Optimization” and click on it.
Step 6: Once again, click on the option “Advanced options“.
Step 7: Afterward, you can set the “Download & Upload Bandwidth” to fix the high ping issue.
Disabling Wifi Sense to Fix High Ping on Windows 10
Step 1: Go to the Windows Settings by pressing Windows and I buttons.
Step 2: Locate the section “Network & Internet” and click on it.
Step 3: See the option Wifi on the left window pane, then located Wifi Sense.
Step 4: Proceed to disable everything under Wifi Sense.
Step 5: In addition to the Wifi Sense, you can also disable Hotspot 2.0 networks and Paid Wi-Fi services.
High ping issue on Windows 10 can interrupt your gaming experience. It can disrupt your communication with your fellow gamers during critical conditions. If this happens repeatedly, then you may even lose the connection once in a while. While it is crucial to maintain the internet connection and stable computer condition, it is also important to maintain computer speed as well as its condition. Along with that, gamers will also need to check the hardware conditions of the PC itself. With the maximum computer condition, then gamers can easily play the games without worry. If you are one of the online gamers out there, you can note these things before you consider every additional thing you need to improve the gaming experience.
In order to fix this issue, you can simply set several things accordingly. You can disable some of the programs which cause high network usage. Other than that, you can also set some things which require high usage to moderate mode. Try one of the methods above and see which one can fix the high ping issue on your Windows 10 PC. Have fun gaming after you can solve the high ping issue.