How Old Is Robin Roberts Today? A Glimpse Into the 62-Year-Old Good Morning America Anchor Life


Robin Roberts, known for her dynamic presence as the co-anchor of ABC's Good Morning America, has made quite a mark in the broadcasting world. Born on November 23, 1960, in Tuskegee, Alabama, she is 62 years old as of this year.

  1. Summary of how old is Robin Roberts
  2. Robin Roberts's Background
  3. Robin Roberts's Age
  4. Personal Life and Relationship
  5. Wedding Details
  6. Robin Roberts's Career
  7. Conclusion

Beyond her career, Robin's personal life has garnered significant attention, particularly her long-standing relationship with Amber Laign. With an upcoming wedding and much to celebrate, let's delve deeper into her journey.

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Summary of how old is Robin Roberts

Characteristic Details
Age 62 years old
Personal life 18-year relationship with Amber Laign
Wedding Details Upcoming wedding with Amber Laign
Career Co-anchor of Good Morning America
Background Born in Tuskegee, Alabama on November 23, 1960
Height 5 feet 10 inches

Robin Roberts isn't just a household name; she's a cornerstone of morning news. Whenever someone wonders, “how old is Robin Roberts?”, it's often out of admiration for her lasting influence in broadcasting.

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Robin Roberts's Background

Robin Rene Roberts, born in Tuskegee, Alabama, celebrates her birthday on November 23, 1960. A proud Sagittarius, she's made her mark both in her career and personal ventures.

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Robin Roberts's Age

At 62 years of age, Robin Roberts continues to shine brightly. Born on November 23, 1960, she exemplifies how age is just a number, especially when asking, “how old is Robin Roberts?”

Personal Life and Relationship

Robin's relationship with Amber Laign, spanning 18 years, is a testament to enduring love. Their wedding has been a topic of much anticipation, especially after the couple postponed it due to Laign's cancer diagnosis. Their story is a testament to love's resilience.

Wedding Details

With their upcoming nuptials, the couple has received an outpouring of love and well wishes. Their love story, enduring through life's trials, signifies a new beginning they're about to embark on.

Robin Roberts's Career

Having started as a sportscaster and eventually becoming the face of Good Morning America, Robin's career trajectory is truly inspiring. For a more detailed look at her achievements, her official ABC Bio is a great resource. Standing tall at 5 feet 10 inches, she's not just an accomplished anchor but a beacon of inspiration.


Robin Roberts, 62, is not just defined by her age or her role as an anchor. Her enduring relationship with Amber Laign, their upcoming wedding, and her illustrious career showcase a life well-lived. So, the next time someone asks, “how old is Robin Roberts?”, they'll know she's much more than just a number.


1. When is Robin Roberts's birthday?
November 23, 1960.

2. How tall is Robin Roberts?
She stands at 5 feet 10 inches.

3. Who is Robin Roberts engaged to?
She's engaged to Amber Laign.

4. How long have Robin Roberts and Amber Laign been together?
The couple has been in a relationship for 18 years.


Written by Yuvraj Srivastava

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