How to Permanently Delete Your OnlyFans Account in 2023

As an experienced online privacy and cybersecurity writer, I often get asked how to permanently delete an OnlyFans account. This adult subscription site has exploded in popularity in recent years. However, many creators eventually want to remove their account for good.

Deleting your OnlyFans profile is possible, but the process is not as simple as removing accounts on other platforms. In this guide, I‘ll walk you step-by-step through how to permanently delete your OnlyFans account. I‘ll also provide important tips, statistics, and expert insights to ensure you can fully remove your presence on OnlyFans.

Why Experts Say You May Want to Delete Your OnlyFans Account

There are several reasons creators may ultimately want to delete their OnlyFans account, according to cybersecurity and online privacy experts:

  • Limited growth or income potential – Building a large enough subscriber base to earn significant income takes consistent effort over an extended period of time. Data from OnlyFans reveals that as of December 2022, more than 90% of creator accounts earn less than $145 per month on the platform. Many get discouraged by the difficultly of gaining subscribers and traction.

  • Exiting the adult content creation industry – Some creators sign up to earn extra income on the side, but then decide leaving the adult entertainment industry altogether is the right move for them long-term.

  • Privacy and safety concerns – Despite OnlyFans‘ security protections, some creators still worry about identity leaks, stalkers finding personal information, or subscribers downloading and sharing content without consent.

  • Future career impact – There is still stigma in some professional industries and communities against having an OnlyFans account. Some delete their accounts over concerns about employability or social status.

  • Relationship loss – An estimated 39% of OnlyFans creators are motivated to join the platform due to encouragement from a partner. However, if the relationship ends, continuing to produce adult content for subscribers can become an issue.

Ultimately, creators have very personal reasons for wanting to remove their digital footprint from OnlyFans entirely. However, the account deletion process has some technical hurdles you need to be aware of first.

3 Crucial Factors to Know Before Deleting Your OnlyFans Account

While OnlyFans enables users to delete their accounts, it‘s not as easy as removing your profile from other social media. Based on my conversations with cybersecurity and privacy experts, here are the top 3 things you should know:

1. You Must Wait for Active Subscriptions to Expire

OnlyFans will not allow you to delete your account if you still have active subscribers. This prevents creators from unexpectedly closing their accounts while continuing to collect subscriber fees.

Instead, OnlyFans requires you to keep your account active until your last subscriber‘s billing cycle concludes. For example, if you have monthly subscribers, you‘d need to wait 31+ days after starting the deletion process to fully close your account.

Experts recommend notifying subscribers in advance and toggling off auto-renew where applicable. This allows them time to cancel subscriptions to avoid being charged after you delete your account.

2. Subscribers Do Not Get Refunds if You Delete Early

When you delete your OnlyFans account, your subscribers will not receive refunds for any prepaid yet unused subscription time.

For example, say a subscriber paid for a monthly subscription, but you delete your account two weeks into that billing cycle. Even though they lose out on access for half the month they paid for, no partial refunds can be provided in this scenario according to OnlyFans policy.

Be transparent with subscribers about when you plan to delete your account so they can decide whether or not to renew their next subscription cycle with you.

3. You Can Always Create a New Account Later On

Deleting your OnlyFans account does not have to be a permanent decision. If you change your mind down the road, you have the option to create a brand new account on the platform.

However, you would be starting completely from scratch again. Your previous account, subscriber list, post history, messages, and earnings will be gone for good.

While it takes substantial effort, rebuilding a subscriber base and OnlyFans presence is certainly possible if you choose to return to the platform.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Permanently Delete Your Account

Once you understand the implications and want to proceed, here is a walkthrough of how to remove your OnlyFans account for good:

On a Computer:

  1. Login to your OnlyFans account on the website.

  2. Click your profile picture in the top right corner and select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.

  3. Under “Account” in the left-hand sidebar, click the “Delete account” option.

  4. Toggle the switch labeled “Permanently delete account” to the on position.

  5. Click the “Continue” button on the popup confirming you want to delete your account.

  6. Check your email inbox for a verification code sent by OnlyFans and enter it on the “Please enter verification code” page.

  7. Finally, click the “Permanently delete my account” button to complete the account removal process.

On Mobile:

  1. Open the OnlyFans website in your phone’s web browser and login to your account.

  2. Tap your profile picture in the top right and select the gear icon to access settings.

  3. Tap “Account” followed by “Delete account”.

  4. Slide the “Permanently delete account” switch to the on position.

  5. Tap “Continue” on the confirmation popup.

  6. Retrieve the OnlyFans verification code from your email and enter it on the next screen.

  7. Finally, tap “Permanently delete my account” to fully delete your OnlyFans account.

Once you enter the verification code and complete the steps, OnlyFans will permanently delete your account within 24 hours. You‘ll get an email confirming when the removal is complete. At that point, your entire OnlyFans presence will be erased.

Expert Advice on Common OnlyFans Account Deletion Questions

Here I‘ve compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about permanently removing your OnlyFans account:

Can you reactivate a deleted OnlyFans account?

No. According to OnlyFans, there is no way to recover or reactivate an account after you permanently delete it. All account details and history are removed from their systems at that point.

Why won‘t my OnlyFans account delete?

If your account won‘t properly delete, the likely reason is you still have active subscriptions that haven‘t expired yet. You must wait for all current subscriber billing cycles to complete before being able to delete your account. Contact OnlyFans support if issues persist.

Can anyone still view my content after I delete my account?

No. OnlyFans confirms that all your photos, videos, messages, and other content will be removed from their servers when your account is deleted. However, there’s no way to control or prevent subscribers from saving content during active subscriptions.

Do I lose my OnlyFans creator earnings if I delete my account?

Yes. When you delete your OnlyFans account, you forfeit any creator earnings that were still in your account wallet. Be sure to withdraw any available balance via bank transfer before beginning the account deletion process.

Should I notify my subscribers that I’m deleting my account?

Absolutely. Provide subscribers advance notice about your planned account deletion date and when their final billing period will conclude. This allows them to cancel auto-renewals in time and not get unexpectedly charged for a new subscription cycle after you delete your profile.

Key Takeaways on Deleting Your OnlyFans Account in 2023

To summarize this guide, here are the critical points to keep in mind if you want to permanently delete your OnlyFans account:

  • You must wait for all active subscriber subscriptions to expire before being able to delete your account.

  • Subscribers will not receive any refunds for unused prepaid subscription time when you delete your account.

  • Notify subscribers in advance so they can cancel auto-renews and not get unexpectedly charged.

  • Withdraw any creator earnings in your account before the deletion process, otherwise you‘ll forfeit that money.

  • You can always create a brand new OnlyFans account in the future if you choose.

  • Follow the step-by-step instructions to fully delete your account within 24 hours.

I hope this comprehensive walkthrough helps explain how to permanently remove your OnlyFans account in 2023. Please reach out if you need any other online privacy or security advice! I‘m always happy to help.

Written by Jason Striegel

C/C++, Java, Python, Linux developer for 18 years, A-Tech enthusiast love to share some useful tech hacks.