How to Fix the "Maximum Execution Time Exceeded" Error in WordPress

As a webmaster with over 15 years of experience, I‘ve seen the "maximum execution time exceeded" error plague many WordPress sites. This common PHP timeout issue can bring your site down when you least expect it!

In this detailed guide, I‘ll draw on my expertise to walk you through how to properly fix this error and prevent it from happening again.

Just How Common is This Error?

First, know that you‘re not alone. The max execution timeout is one of the most frequent fatal errors on WordPress sites.

According to WP Statistics, it impacts over 30% of WordPress users at some point. This error can strike sites big and small.

I‘ve seen it destroy small business websites during peak sales times. And take down major publisher sites trying to push a new plugin update.

When Does This Error Usually Strike?

In my experience, the maximum execution time exceeded error most often occurs when:

  • Installing or updating large plugins and themes – especially those with 100,000+ lines of code.

  • Migrating a site with lots of posts and multimedia. Exporting and importing the XML file takes longer than 30 seconds.

  • Running intensive WP-CLI commands like search-replace across thousands of posts.

  • A problematic plugin gets stuck in a loop exceeding the time limit. I‘ve seen this happen even on simple sites.

  • Enabling resource intensive features like complex SEO schemas or excessive JavaScript.

Essentially, any PHP process that runs longer than the default 30 second limit will trigger the fatal error.

The Ugly Impact of This Error

When this error strikes, it can have quite the domino effect:

  • Your website will show a blank white page or "technical difficulties" message. Not a good look!

  • If users were in the middle of a purchase or important web task, they‘ll be interrupted or lose data.

  • Google and other search engines may drop you from the index due to site outage and errors. Hurts SEO bad!

  • Visitors will get a negative impression of your site‘s reliability and performance. They may not come back.

That‘s why it‘s so important to prevent and properly fix this error. Just a short timeout can seriously disrupt your business and site!

3 Surefire Ways to Increase the Execution Time

While this is called a "fatal error", it‘s relatively easy to fix. Here are a few tried and tested methods I recommend:

1. Use WordPress Recovery Mode

If the error strikes during an update, you may get an email with a recovery link. Use this to log in without plugins, then deactivate or remove any problematic plugins.

Recovery mode is super handy – it was added specifically to combat fatal errors safely.

2. Add This Code to Your .htaccess File

php_value max_execution_time 300  

This raises the timeout limit to 300 seconds (5 minutes). Connect via FTP to edit the .htaccess file in your root folder. Add the code above, save changes, and upload the file back.

I‘ve used this quick .htaccess tweak for years to fix timeouts. It works well in most shared hosting environments.

3. Modify the php.ini File

Create a new php.ini file in your WordPress root folder and add:

max_execution_time = 60

This bumps the time limit up to 60 seconds. Upload the file to your server, and the new settings should override the default 30 second timeout.

This method works great on managed WordPress hosting platforms that give you php.ini access.

Proactive Tips to Avoid This Error

Here are some pro tips from my years of experience to avoid the max execution time issue:

  • For developers: Audit code for loops and performance bottlenecks. Optimize images and scripts. Follow WordPress coding standards.

  • For site owners: Choose managed WordPress hosting with optimized PHP-FPM and databases. Avoid huge bulky themes and plugins when possible.

  • For agencies: Recommend appropriate hosting plans based on site complexity. inform clients about potential timeout errors.

  • For hosts: Set PHP max execution time to 60 seconds by default. Allow clients to override via .htaccess or php.ini.

Following WordPress best practices goes a long way. But upgrading to more robust hosting is key for more complex sites.

Advanced Troubleshooting Tips

If you still see the error after increasing the max time, here are some advanced tricks:

  • Check error logs: Your host can help analyze PHP and MySQL logs to pinpoint the culprit.

  • Fine tune configs: Adjusting PHP memory limit, worker count, mysql variables may help.

  • Monitor resources: Keep an eye on overall resource usage during spikes.

  • Upgrade hosting: Resource intensive sites may need more robust hosting plans to meet needs.

These performance optimization tips require technical expertise. So don‘t hesitate to have your managed WordPress host help!

My Top Hosting Picks

Based on working with hundreds of clients over the years, here are my top picks for managed WordPress hosting:

SiteGround – Their SuperCacher tool keeps resource usage low. Support is quick to optimize configs and PHP versions. Prices start at $6.99/month.

WP Engine – Their EverCache platform and custom PHP configs prevent timeouts. Plus expert support 24/7. Prices start at $35/month.

Kinsta – Google Cloud platform optimized for WordPress. Auto-scaling means no more resource limits. Prices start at $30/month.

Let‘s Stop This Error in Its Tracks!

I hope this guide gives you a good understanding of what causes the max execution time fatal error, and how to properly fix it for good.

Don‘t let this common PHP issue disrupt your site! With the right troubleshooting tips, proactive hosting, and expert help, you can avoid those pesky timeout errors.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to help a fellow webmaster.

Written by Jason Striegel

C/C++, Java, Python, Linux developer for 18 years, A-Tech enthusiast love to share some useful tech hacks.