How to Hack TikTok Accounts in 2023 – A Cybersecurity Expert‘s Guide

Hey there! Have you ever wondered how hackers actually gain access to TikTok accounts? With over 1 billion monthly active users, TikTok is a huge target.

As a cybersecurity professional, I‘m often asked how to hack into TikTok accounts by concerned parents and skeptical partners. But while hacking may sound tempting, it‘s unethical and illegal in most cases.

In this post, I‘ll walk you through how TikTok accounts can be hacked, common attacks used, and most importantly – how to keep your own account secure. Consider this your insider‘s guide to TikTok account security in 2023 from a cyber guru‘s perspective. Let‘s dive in!

Why Do People Want to Hack TikTok Accounts?

Before we look at how to hack TikTok accounts, it helps to understand why people want to do this in the first place. There are a few common motivations:

  • Parents – Want to monitor kids‘ activity and ensure they‘re not viewing inappropriate content or talking to strangers.
  • Partners – Suspect their significant other is cheating or hiding messages and want to access their account.
  • Cybercriminals – Hack accounts to steal personal information for identity theft or spread malware.
  • YouTubers/Influencers – Hack popular accounts to post promotions and gain followers.

According to a 2022 study by Pew Research Center, over 60% of parents with kids under 18 use parental monitoring apps and tools to oversee their child‘s online activities. But is hacking their TikTok account to spy on them taking it too far?

Quick TikTok Growth Stats

Before we continue, let me share some mind-blowing stats that showcase just how massive TikTok has become:

  • Over 1 billion monthly active users worldwide as of September 2022 [source: Oberlo]
  • Over 125 million monthly active users in the US as of June 2022 [source: Statista]
  • Users spend an average of 95 minutes per day on TikTok as of Q3 2022 [Source: BusinessofApps]
  • 67% of TikTok users are under 30 years old as of 2022 [Source: Oberlo]
  • TikTok is the 7th most visited website in the world ahead of established giants like Netflix, LinkedIn, and eBay [Source: Semrush]

With this level of usage concentrated among teens and young adults who share personal information, you can understand why hacking TikTok accounts has become a priority for some.

Next, let‘s dive into the most common techniques used to hack accounts on TikTok and other social platforms.

How to Actually Hack a TikTok Account

Gaining access to someone‘s TikTok account requires getting their username and password. Hackers use a mix of technology and social manipulation to achieve this. Here are some popular approaches:

Using Spy Apps

Spy and phone monitoring apps provide powerful capabilities to infiltrate TikTok and other social media accounts. Apps like mSpy, FlexiSPY, and TrackMyFone get installed directly on the target‘s device to extract passwords, capture keystrokes, and provide remote access to the account.

For Android devices, the spy app needs to be installed directly on the phone which requires physical access. iPhones are trickier – you‘d need the user‘s iCloud credentials to sync app data from their device to the spy app‘s dashboard.

Once installed, the spy app secretly captures everything happening on the device. Within the app dashboard on your own device, you can view the target‘s TikTok messages, posts, videos – essentially seeing the account as if you were logged in.

Pros: Very powerful features, hides covertly on device, easy remote access to monitor TikTok activity.

Cons: Need access to device or iCloud credentials, involves monthly subscription fees.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing is one of the most common approaches cybercriminals use to steal credentials and infiltrate accounts. It involves creating fake TikTok login pages to deceive users into entering their username and password.

The attacker sends a credible-looking email or text appearing to come from TikTok asking the target to login and "verify their account". The included link goes to the fake phishing site impersonating TikTok‘s real login page.

When the target enters their info, the hacker captures it to access their real TikTok account. The phishing site needs to look authentic with TikTok‘s logo, branding, web address, and SSL certificate.

Pros: Gets target‘s actual credentials to access TikTok account directly.

Cons: Requires building a convincing fake page, target must fall for the phish.

Brute Forcing Passwords

A brute force attack involves using software tools that automate guessing endless password combinations until the correct one is found. The software tries inserting letters, numbers, and symbols in every possible order.

But brute forcing is highly unlikely to work on TikTok. After a few wrong password attempts, their account lockout policies would block any login from that IP address for a period of time. And with strong randomized passwords, it could take centuries to luck upon the correct one.

Pros: Automates rapid password guessing.

Cons: Extremely low chance of success, accounts get locked.

Installing Keyloggers

Keyloggers are stealthy software or hardware devices that record all keystrokes made on a computer or mobile device. Every tap of the keyboard gets logged – capturing usernames, passwords, messages, emails…everything.

Getting a keylogger installed on someone‘s phone is challenging but provides continuous access to capture their TikTok password when eventually typed. Remote install tactics include:

  • Device access – Physically install it if you can access the unlocked phone.
  • Malicious app – Trick them into installing an app with the hidden keylogger.
  • Public PC – If they use a public computer, a keylogger may already be installed.

Pros: Captures all passwords and messages typed.

Cons: Needs access to device, only captures passwords as they are entered.

Hacking Through Social Engineering

Social engineering means manipulating or tricking the target themselves into giving you their credentials. This relies on creating a believable story and scenario that lowers their guard and defenses.

For example, you could contact TikTok‘s support team posing as a desperate user who forgot the password and is locked out of their important account to ask for a reset. Or even pretend to be a close friend in need. Creative personas and pretexting are key.

Pros: Target hands over access directly if convinced.

Cons: Requires establishing rapport and trusted relationship with target.

Account Recovery Hacking

If you have personal details about the target like their associated email address, phone number, date of birth, etc. you may succeed through TikTok‘s account recovery process.

This involves posing as the target and providing convincing answers to the verification questions asked during TikTok‘s password reset flow. With enough personal info, you could plausibly get past identity confirmation and reset access.

Pros: Leverages TikTok‘s built-in recovery system.

Cons: Requires significant personal details, low success rate.

Protecting Your TikTok Account from Hackers

Now that you know how accounts get hacked, here are tips to avoid becoming a victim yourself:

Use Strong, Unique Passwords

The easiest way for hackers to break into accounts is through weak, reused passwords. Here are password best practices:

  • Randomly generate passwords for each account using a password manager like LastPass or 1Password to guarantee uniqueness.
  • Include uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols to raise complexity making passwords harder to crack.
  • Never reuse passwords across multiple sites or accounts. If one is compromised, they all are vulnerable.
  • Consider passphrases like "OrangePineappleDogHouse!" for very strong but memorable passwords.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password. With 2FA enabled, logging into your TikTok account requires:

  1. Entering username + password
  2. Inputting a special code or confirming in an authentication app

This code is either texted to your phone or generated in an app like Google Authenticator or Authy. So even with a password stolen through phishing or keylogger, a hacker can‘t access the account.

Avoid Phishing Links

Watch out for suspicious emails or texts from TikTok requesting you to login and "validate" or "update" your account. These phishing messages contain links to fake login pages to steal your password.

Remember – TikTok will never email asking for your password. If you get messages like this, report them as phishing but do not click any links or enter information.

Monitor Your Account Activity

Routinely check your TikTok account settings for any suspicious activity:

  • Recent logins from unrecognized locations
  • Logins from new devices you don‘t recognize
  • Changes made to profile information or settings

This lets you identify unauthorized access early and reset your password before further damage.

Change Passwords Frequently

Set calendar reminders to update your TikTok password every 60-90 days. If your password does get compromised, the short lifecycle limits how long an attacker could abuse it.

And don‘t worry about remembering new passwords – just use your password manager!

Avoid Public Wi-Fi

Only access your TikTok account over trusted secure networks, never on public Wi-Fi. On public hotspots, hackers can intercept your account activity and steal passwords through snooping on the network traffic.

Keep Software Updated

Installing app and OS updates promptly patches security holes that could be exploited by hackers. The longer you delay updates, the greater your vulnerability. So accept updates right away.

Limit Personal Information Shared

Be wary of oversharing personal details online that could help hackers profile you for social engineering scams. Keep info like your phone number, home address, and date of birth private or at minimum hidden from public view.

Ethical Concerns Around TikTok Account Hacking

While this guide has covered different ways TikTok accounts can be infiltrated, I have to reiterate that hacking someone‘s account without consent is unethical and illegal. It violates TikTok‘s terms of service and cybercrime laws.

The only context where hacking may be warranted is parents monitoring kids strictly out of safety concerns. However, clear communication and boundaries are far healthier approaches to take with children.

If you have legitimate concerns about a TikTok user‘s wellbeing or activities, have an open discussion with them first. And as needed, consult appropriate authorities and professionals like law enforcement, child services, or a counselor for guidance handling the situation responsibly.

There are always better solutions than hacking which crosses lines and destroys trust. Use your own knowledge defensively to protect yourself and those you care about – never to enable digital trespassing.

Let‘s Recap…

We‘ve covered quite a bit of ground here! To quickly recap:

  • TikTok‘s explosive growth has attracted tons of interest in hacking user accounts from parents, partners, and cybercriminals.
  • Techniques like spyware, phishing, and social engineering allow hackers to steal credentials and access accounts.
  • You can protect your own TikTok account by using strong unique passwords, enabling 2FA, avoiding phishing links, monitoring activity, and updating software.
  • While hacking may be tempting, it is unethical, illegal, and violates a user‘s privacy in nearly all cases.

I hope this insider‘s guide has demystified the world of TikTok account hacking and how to defend yourself. Please use this knowledge wisely to keep yourself and loved ones secure.

Stay safe out there!

Written by Jason Striegel

C/C++, Java, Python, Linux developer for 18 years, A-Tech enthusiast love to share some useful tech hacks.