Who Are Joshua Dobb Parents? Meet Stephanie and Robert Dobbs


Joshua Dobbs is currently in the limelight as the professional American football quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals of the NFL. Originally drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers in the fourth round of the 2017 NFL Draft, Dobbs has come a long way. Born in Alpharetta, Georgia, and a two-time All-SEC selection from the University of Tennessee, much of his success can be attributed to his parents, Stephanie and Robert Dobbs. It's crucial to shed light on “joshua dobbs parents” and recognize their instrumental roles in his upbringing and career.

  1. Joshua Dobbs' Early Life
  2. Summary of joshua dobbs parents
  3. Robert Dobbs' Profession
  4. Stephanie Dobbs
  5. Family Support
  6. Surprise Trade Offer
  7. Closing Thoughts
  8. Additional Topics
  9. Conclusion

Joshua Dobbs' Early Life

Born and nurtured in the serene environment of Alpharetta, Georgia, Joshua Dobbs' early days were filled with love and guidance. As an only child, he enjoyed the undivided attention of his parents, Stephanie and Robert Dobbs, who greatly influenced his life choices.

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Summary of joshua dobbs parents

Aspect Details
Full Name Joshua Dobbs
Position Quarterback for Arizona Cardinals
Parents Stephanie and Robert Dobbs
Birthplace Alpharetta, Georgia
Father's Profession Senior Vice President at Wells Fargo bank
Mother's Profession Retired Human Resources Manager at UPS
Trade Details Traded to Cardinals by Browns for a fifth-round draft pick

Robert Dobbs' Profession

Robert Dobbs is not just Joshua's father but also a figure of hard work and dedication. Serving as a senior vice president at Wells Fargo bank, Robert's illustrious career in the financial realm speaks volumes about his commitment and work ethics.

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Stephanie Dobbs

On the other hand, Stephanie Dobbs, a retired human resources manager at United Parcel Service (UPS), has always been Joshua's pillar of strength. Her compassion, kindness, and constant support played a pivotal role in shaping Joshua's persona both on and off the field.

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Family Support

For Joshua Dobbs, family means everything. The bond he shares with his parents is profound. Throughout his football journey, Robert and Stephanie have been his cheering squad, always emphasizing the virtues of hard work, perseverance, and humility.

Surprise Trade Offer

The sports community was taken by surprise in March 2023, when the Cardinals extended a trade offer to the Browns for Joshua Dobbs. The Browns didn't take long to accept this proposition, trading Dobbs for a fifth-round draft pick.

Closing Thoughts

As Joshua Dobbs continues to leave his mark in the world of American football, it's evident that his foundation is solid, thanks to Robert and Stephanie Dobbs. Their unending support and belief in his abilities have been the cornerstone of his achievements, both on and off the football turf.

Additional Topics

In exploring the narrative of this remarkable quarterback, one may come across terms like “Joshua Dobbs biography”, “Arizona Cardinals quarterback”, and more. Each phrase leading to another layer of Joshua's multifaceted life.


This article provides a detailed introspection into the lives of “joshua dobbs parents” – Stephanie and Robert Dobbs. It underlines their significance in molding Joshua Dobbs, the football prodigy. Undoubtedly, their unwavering family support has been paramount in his success. We encourage our readers to delve deeper into the life and times of Joshua Dobbs and his commendable parents.

Q: Who are Joshua Dobbs' parents?
A: Joshua Dobbs' parents are Stephanie and Robert Dobbs.

Q: Where was Joshua Dobbs born?
A: Joshua Dobbs was born in Alpharetta, Georgia.

Q: What is Robert Dobbs' profession?
A: Robert Dobbs is a senior vice president at Wells Fargo bank.

Q: What was Stephanie Dobbs' profession before retirement?
A: Stephanie Dobbs was a human resources manager at United Parcel Service (UPS).


Written by Yuvraj Srivastava

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