When it comes to “Bad System Config Info Windows 10” error, there are a couple of methods you can do to fix such an error. Many types of Windows errors often originate from the hardware problems which may be difficult to fix. In this case, the error comes from within the system. Therefore, you can fix it or prevent it from causing fatal damages without having to change your PC’s hardware.
Just like any other Windows errors, “Bad System Config Info” can result in Blue Screen of Death if not treated properly. This type of error begins with a slow response in the system. Then, slow performance can lead to high memory usage and conflicting updates. If you do not fix the errors immediately, then the Blue Screen of Death can occur. In this case, you will not be able to log in to your Windows 10 PC normally.
Similarly to other Windows services and programs, any slowdown in the performance should be noted at any time given. You can check on each of the Windows services of programs which act abnormally. Some programs usually take up high memory or disk usage due to their ways of operating. In that case, you can simply wait until they finish operating. If the programs still behave that way, you can try to disable it or close it temporarily.
To perform any methods which may fix the errors in the future, you can perform one of the methods we have curated in this article. First, we shall get to see all about the Blue Screen of Death error on Windows 10 PC. Afterward, you can get to know each one of the methods to fix the “Bad System Config Info” on Windows 10. More on that issue, you can get to know about the error and what you can do to quickly fix it.
- Blue Screen of Death on Windows 10 PC
- Bad System Config Info Error on Windows 10
- What You Can Do to Fix “Bad System Config Info” Error on Windows 10
- Methods to Fix “Bad System Config Info” on Windows 10
- Updating Drivers Manually to Fix “Bad System Config Info” on Windows 10
- Using Driver Updater to Update Problematic Drivers on Windows 10 PC
- Using Command Prompt to Fix “Bad System Config Info” on Windows 10
- Repairing the BCD file
- Fixing the Windows Registry
- Performing System Restore
- Resetting Windows 10 PC
- Making Sure the Hardware is Not Damaged
Blue Screen of Death on Windows 10 PC
In case you have not known about Blue Screen of Death errors, then this may be your opportunity to learn about it. In this brief overview, we will shine a light on the Blue Screen of Death case and how it affects your Windows 10 PC. Furthermore, you can see further explanation about the BSOD error relating to “Bad System Config Info” error on Windows 10 on the section below.
Blue Screen of Death is mostly known as the error where your Windows system freezes. Due to the heavy processing of several programs, the Windows system will eventually freeze to the point that it displays a blue screen.
You will see the Windows screen turns to blue with a sad smiley emoji on it as soon as it stops operating. Once you see the Blue Screen of Death, you must immediately fix the error or else the error will continue to occur.
As previously stated, most of Blue Screen of Death errors originate from the fault in the system. Since Windows runs a lot of programs, like Windows Modules Installer Worker, the processing can take up much memory and disk usage.
In return, it can cause the system to proceed with a lot of things at once. Moreover, the programs can also install updates at the same time. This can create a problem in the system. The updates can cause the misconfiguration in several sectors.
Furthermore, the outdated version of a couple of programs can also cause the problem if they do not match the current version of the Windows system.
Additionally, the Blue Screen of Death error can also be caused by damaged hardware. If that is the case, then you should try to replace the current problematic hardware with a new one
Bad System Config Info Error on Windows 10
One of many causes of Blue Screen of Death on Windows 10 PCs is “Bad System Config Info” error. Some of the errors caused by “bad system config info” can span across every section of your Windows 10 system. Among many things, the errors can originate from the fault in the registry, the bad memory sector on the RAM, the clashes in the updates, and the specific files which may trigger the “bad system config info” to happen.
Some of the errors may look typically like the list as follows:
- Bad_system_config_info registry.
- Bad_system_config_info RAM.
- Bad system config info on startup, boot.
- Blue screen of death bad_system_config_info.
- Bad_system_config_info after update.
- Bad_system_config_info hard drive, HDD.
- Bad system config info loop.
- Bad_system_config_info ntoskrnl.exe, ntfs.sys, classpnp.sys, rdyboost.sys.
As previously mentioned, the corrupt registry can trigger the error to happen. Other than that, the bad memory sector or the faulty hard drive can also cause “bad system config info” error on Windows 10. If you have outdated drivers, the problem can also happen.
Nonetheless, you should make sure the drivers on your Windows 10 can operate with the current system, or else certain programs will cause errors due to the misconfiguration of it in regards to the Windows OS.
In case you see an error message of “bad system config info”, you can see the cause of it. If you see the specific file which may trigger it, then you can find it and fix it at once. The worst-case scenario, you have to fix the “bad system config info” error on Windows 10 using the installation media if it causes continuous loops on your PC.
Additionally, you can find a way to boot your Windows 10 in Safe Mode to fix the “bad system config info” error. Other than that, you can simply perform the methods to fix “bad system config info” on your Windows 10 PC.
What You Can Do to Fix “Bad System Config Info” Error on Windows 10
Once you know about the “bad system config info” error and what causes it, you can now try to fix the problem. Some of the problems may deal with complicated steps, but a few of them do not. If you have not updated your Windows system for too long, then the outdated version of your Windows may be the cause of the error.
Other than that, you must also update the drivers on your Windows 10 PC. In this case, the outdated programs may cause the “bad system config info” error to happen. One way to solve it is to simply update everything on your Windows 10 PC that needs to be updated.
If you wish to perform a specific fixing method, then you can use a couple of Windows services to do it. You can use Command Prompt and Windows Registry in order to change some things which need to be changed.
Keep in mind that you will need a set of specified commands to fix the “bad system config info” on Windows 10 effectively. You will not have to worry for we cover all the commands and the steps of the methods to perform in this article.
In case you wish for an automatic fix, then you can try to perform a system restore. This way, you will get your Windows 10 PC back to the version where the “bad system config info” error does not happen. To do this, you must set the restore or backup system on your Windows 10 PC first. If not, then it may be difficult to get your Windows 10 back to what it was before.
When all methods fail, then it is possible that your Windows 10 PC experiences a hardware issue. Since the “bad system config info” error deals with the configuration of the system, a couple of tweaks can solve the problem easily. If not, then the hardware may experience a problem. In this case, you must check the hardware and see if you can fix it or not.
Methods to Fix “Bad System Config Info” on Windows 10
As previously mentioned, dealing with “bad system config info” on Windows 10 can sometimes come off easy. If you know the problem which may cause the error to happen, then you can fix it without changing anything in the system. On the other hand, it may be difficult if you cannot find the source of the problem.
Lucky for you, “bad system config info” error is not the case which lasts forever. The Windows error can cause the Blue Screen of Death, but it will only happen if it is not fixed immediately. Just like “System Thread Exception Not Handled” and “KMode Exception Not Handled”, the “bad system config info” error will not exist any longer once you perform the methods to fix it. Since the Blue Screen of Death error shall be avoided at all costs, you must know how to perform the methods to fix “bad system config info” on Windows 10 when it comes.
In order to give you a hand, we have curated a couple of methods which can deal with the “bad system config info” on Windows 10 effectively. Try to perform one of the methods after another and see which one can fix the problem for you.
Updating Drivers Manually to Fix “Bad System Config Info” on Windows 10
In case the “bad system config info” error happens on your Windows 10 PC, you have to always make sure to update your drivers. Not only “bad system config info”, but outdated drivers can cause other types of errors on Windows 10. In this case, the outdated drivers will no longer serve its role. Hence, they may be deemed incompatible by the Windows system.
If you do not fix the outdated driver issues immediately, then you will see the computer freezes a couple of times during the operating hours. Afterward, you may see an error message with the blue screen suddenly appearing on your Windows screen. There, you will see the “bad system config info” on the display of your Windows 10 PC.
To prevent further errors, you can update your Windows drivers to fit the current Windows operating system on your PC. To do so, you can try to look for the most recent drivers for your Windows drivers. Head to the Windows drivers’ manufacturer’s site and find the most recent version of the drivers you need. All you have to do is find the drivers which fit the hardware’s version of your Windows 10 PC. Once you get the downloaded file, you can install it.
Using Driver Updater to Update Problematic Drivers on Windows 10 PC
In case you want to find a quick alternative option to update the drivers on your Windows 10, you can use the best driver updater. With the right updater tool, you can fix the outdated driver errors automatically at once. Every single outdated driver will be scanned and analyzed. You can simply sit and watch the tool does its job.
What about the version and the specs of the drivers? You will not have to worry for the updater will find the version of each driver best suited for your Windows operating system. Due to its advanced tech, you may have to pay for the service of certain driver updaters. Once you pay for the service, you can get the updater to fix all the issues of the outdated drivers on your Windows 10 PC immediately.
Using Command Prompt to Fix “Bad System Config Info” on Windows 10
Just like its name, the “bad system config info” error mainly revolves around the misconfiguration of the system. As such, the misconfiguration can cause a couple of errors to happen in your Windows system. This can cause further errors on Windows 10 due to the number of programs the OS runs.
Mainly, the misconfiguration of the system, the error in processors, and the bad memory sector can cause the “bad system config info”. In this case, those corrupt files cannot match the correct value. Therefore, you can use a specific built-in service on your Windows 10 PC to fix the issue.
In order to fix the “bad system config info” on Windows 10 PC, you can perform the repairing method via Command Prompt. To do so, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1: Proceed to restart your Windows 10 PC when it boots.
Step 2: Keep restarting the Window 10 PC until the Automatic Repair starts.
Step 3: Once the Automatic Repair starts, you can proceed to select the option Troubleshoot.
Step 4: Afterward, you can select the option “Advanced Options”.
Step 5: Then, proceed to choose the option “Command Prompt”.
Step 6: On the Command Prompt window, proceed to type the following commands and press Enter after each one.
bcdedit/deletevalue {default} numproc bcdedit/deletevalue {default} truncatememory
Step 7: Wait until the commands finish processing.
Step 8: At last, you can close the Command Prompt window and restart your Windows 10 PC.
Repairing the BCD file
If the methods above do not work, then the BCD file may be damaged. In order to fix the “bad system config info” error on your Windows 10 PC, you can try to repair the damaged BCD file.
Due to the damaged BCD file, you will not be able to access Windows Safe Mode. In this case, you must use a Windows bootable media device. First, you can download the Windows bootable media on the other PC.
In order to perform this method, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1: Proceed to insert the bootable drive and boot your Windows 10 PC from it.
Step 2: At once, the Windows 10 setup will begin at once.
Step 3: Afterward, you can click on the Next button to continue.
Step 4: Then, you can choose the option “Repair your computer”.
Step 5: Proceed to choose the section Troubleshoot.
Step 6: Then, you can go to the section “Advanced Options”.
Step 7: Afterward, you can choose the option “Command Prompt”.
Step 8: Once the Command Prompt window appears, you can type the commands below and press Enter after each one.
bootrec /repairbcd bootrec /osscan bootrec /repairmbr
Step 9: Wait until the commands finish processing.
Step 10: Restart your Windows 10 PC and see if the “bad system config info” on Windows 10 has been gone.
Fixing the Windows Registry
In case you wish to fix the “bad system config info” error on Windows 10, you can try to fix the registry first. Since everything is recorded in the registry, fixing the problem with bad system config can be easily done through the Windows Registry.
If your Windows 10 PC is ready, then you can follow the steps below to fix the issue.
Step 1: Head to the Troubleshoot section on your Windows 10 PC.
Step 2: Proceed to select the section “Advanced Options”.
Step 3: Afterward, you can choose the option “Command Prompt”.
Step 4: Once the Command Prompt window appears, you can type the commands below and press Enter after each one.
CD C:WindowsSystem32config ren C:WindowsSystem32configDEFAULT DEFAULT.old ren C:WindowsSystem32configSAM SAM.old ren CWindowsSystem32configSECURITY SECURITY.old ren C:WindowsSystem32configSOFTWARE SOFTWARE.old ren C:WindowsSystem32configSYSTEM SYSTEM.old
All the commands above will rename the problematic drivers at once. You will not have to worry for the damaged files will no longer bother your Windows system. Alternatively, you can also delete the files all at once. Keep in mind that removing the files completely may solve the problem but it can also create more problems. It is better if you choose to rename the problematic files instead.
Step 5: After you finish renaming the files, you can now perform the commands below.
copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackDEFAULT C:WindowsSystem32config copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackSAM C:WindowsSystem32config copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackSECURITY C:WindowsSystem32config copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackSYSTEM C:WindowsSystem32config copy C:WindowsSystem32configRegBackSOFTWARE C:WindowsSystem32config
The commands above will copy the registry backup and replace the old files at once.
Step 6: At last, you can close the Command Prompt window and restart your Windows 10 PC. See if the “bad system config info” error has disappeared.
Performing System Restore
In case the methods above do not work, then you can try to perform an entire system restore on your Windows 10 PC. This method will allow you to get your Windows 10 back to its previous state. Surely, the current settings you save will be lost. To fix the “bad system config info” with this method, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1: Proceed to restart your Windows 10 PC during the booting time.
Step 2: Repeat the first step a couple of times until the Automatic Repair starts.
Step 3: Proceed to choose the option Troubleshoot.
Step 4: Then, you can select the section “Advanced Options”.
Step 5: Afterward, you can click on the option “System Restore”.
Step 6: Proceed to select the username you currently use and follow the instructions.
Step 7: Then, you can choose the restore point you wish your Windows 10 PC can restore to.
Step 8: Afterward, click the Next button.
Step 9: The System Restore will begin the processing. Wait for it to complete.
Step 10: At last, your Windows 10 PC will be restarted to the previous version you wish to come back to.
Resetting Windows 10 PC
In case the system restore cannot fix the bad system config error on Windows 10 PC, then you can try to reset the Windows 10 PC. Keep in mind that this method will reset your entire Windows 10 system. Therefore, you can move your important files first to an external drive. Once you make sure the data is stored safely, then you can try to reset your Windows 10 PC. To do so, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1: Proceed to start the Automatic Repair process by restarting your Windows 10 PC during the booting time.
Step 2: Then, you can select the section “Troubleshoot”.
Step 3: Afterward, you can choose the option “Reset this PC”.
Step 4: Next, you can proceed to choose the option “Remove everything”.
Step 5: Afterward, you can select the option “Only the drive where Windows is installed”.
Step 6: Then, you can choose the option “Just remove my files”.
Step 7: Afterward, you can click the Reset button.
Step 8: Wait until the resetting process finishes.
Step 9: Once the processing finishes, you can insert Windows installation media to your PC.
Step 10: At last, you can start your Windows 10 PC anew.
Making Sure the Hardware is Not Damaged
If the “bad system config info” error still occurs after you perform all the methods above, then you have to make sure if your PC’s hardware is damaged or not. Other than the system errors, the bad system config may also occur because of the damaged hard drive. In order to fix it, you can bring your PC to the service center for your laptop brand.
If your Windows 10 PC still experiences such an error, then you can replace the hardware with a new one. You can try to look for the hardware online or the computer hardware stores near you. Make sure to know about the specs of the hardware first before you decide to purchase it.