What is QuickPress in WordPress?

What is QuickPress in WordPress?

QuickPress is a handy feature in WordPress that allows users to quickly publish posts right from the WordPress admin dashboard, without having to open the full post editor screen.

Located at the top of the dashboard, QuickPress is a compact module that contains just the basic options you need to create a post in a few clicks. This includes fields for entering a title, writing out the post content, adding tags, and publishing or saving as a draft.

The main benefit of QuickPress is that it offers a faster and more convenient way to jot down posts when you don‘t need all the bells and whistles of the full editor. For example, if you just want to fire off a quick update or draft to come back to later, QuickPress is ideal.

Key Features and Capabilities

Here are some of the key features that QuickPress offers:

  • Ability to quickly create and publish posts without opening the full post editor.
  • Provides basic options for titling your post, writing content, adding tags, media, polls etc.
  • Handy for jotting down quick thoughts or drafts you can expand on later.
  • Can save posts as drafts before final publishing.

However, as QuickPress is a simplified editor, it does lack some of the functionality of the full post editor. For example, there is no link editor to modify the post‘s permalink, and it only allows you to use the default post type and categories.

It also does not provide full SEO optimization or formatting capabilities like the full editor does. Any SEO details, post type/category changes, formatting etc. would need to be added manually later before final publishing.

Tips for Using QuickPress Effectively

Here are some tips to use QuickPress effectively:

  • Use it for quickly jotting down draft posts or ideas you want to come back and expand on later.
  • Remember to go back and fill in all SEO details, formatting etc. before final publishing.
  • Adjust any post types, categories, tags etc. in the full editor before publishing.
  • Review and proofread posts created in QuickPress before publishing live.

Overall, QuickPress is a handy dashboard feature for speeding up the process of publishing simple posts. Just keep its limitations in mind and be sure to optimize your posts fully before final publishing.

Written by Jason Striegel

C/C++, Java, Python, Linux developer for 18 years, A-Tech enthusiast love to share some useful tech hacks.