5 Best Testosterone Boosting Herbs You Should Know About

Hey friend! If you‘re a man looking to increase your testosterone levels naturally, using certain herbs can be a safe and effective approach. In this post, we‘ll explore the top five researched-backed herbs that can give your testosterone a healthy boost.

Now, why might you want to increase your test levels in the first place? Let‘s quickly go over the basics of this important hormone.

Why Testosterone Matters

Testosterone is crucial for us guys – it plays a role in muscle growth, bone density, fat distribution, energy levels, sex drive, and more. After age 30, testosterone begins declining about 1% each year. Lifestyle factors like poor diet, lack of exercise, and chronic stress can cause levels to dip even lower.

Low testosterone can really impact your quality of life. Symptoms include low energy, reduced muscle mass, weight gain, poor concentration, irritability, and low libido.

While you can take synthetic testosterone, turning to natural herbs can provide a subtle but effective boost without side effects. Let‘s look at which herbs work best.

1. Tribulus Terrestris

This herb has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to enhance virility and vitality. It’s sometimes called puncture vine because it has sharp spines that can puncture bicycle tires!

But don’t let the name fool you – tribulus terrestris has been shown to safely increase testosterone levels.

How it works: Tribulus contains compounds called saponins, mainly protodioscin, that can increase levels of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH signals the testes to produce more testosterone.

In one 90-day study, men taking 750mg of tribulus daily saw their testosterone levels increase by 16% after 60 days and 28% after 90 days. [1]


  • Increases testosterone levels by up to 30%
  • Enhances libido and erectile function
  • Helps build muscle mass and strength

Dosage: 500-1500mg of standardized extract per day

2. Ashwagandha

This popular Ayurvedic herb has traditionally been used as an adaptogen to help the body handle stress and boost energy levels.

Here’s the connection to testosterone: studies show ashwagandha can reduce cortisol levels by over 25%. [2] Cortisol is the main stress hormone that can decrease testosterone production if too high.

How it works: Ashwagandha lowers cortisol, allowing your body to produce more testosterone. It also boosts levels of luteinizing hormone.

In one study, men given 5g per day of ashwagandha for 3 months saw testosterone levels increase by 15%. [3]


  • Increases testosterone and lowers cortisol
  • Reduces anxiety and stress
  • Improves sexual performance and fertility
  • Helps build muscle and reduce body fat

Dosage: 300-600mg twice per day

3. Fenugreek

This Mediterranean herb tastes somewhat like maple syrup (it’s used in imitation maple syrup!) and has been used for centuries as a natural libido enhancer.

Fenugreek contains compounds like protodioscin and fenusides that are thought to boost testosterone.

Research shows 500mg per day of fenugreek extract can improve testosterone levels and sexual function in men. One 6-week study found it increased test levels by 25%. [4]

How it works: May reduce enzymes that convert testosterone into estrogen. Also stimulates insulin release.


  • Increases total and free testosterone levels
  • Boosts sexual arousal and performance
  • Helps build muscle when combined with strength training

Dosage: 500-600mg daily

4. Ginger

Ginger is one of the most popular dietary supplements in the world, used for everything from soothing an upset stomach to reducing inflammation. This common cooking spice may also be helpful for increasing testosterone.

In one study, 75 infertile men took 1500mg of ginger daily for 3 months. By the end, their testosterone levels increased by 17.7% on average. Sex drive also improved. [5]

How it works: Ginger reduces oxidative damage and increases levels of key sex hormones like LH and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).


  • Increased testosterone levels
  • Higher sperm count
  • May improve erectile function
  • Powerful anti-inflammatory

Dosage: 1000-1500mg daily

5. Red Ginseng

Used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine, red ginseng is a plant with fleshy roots that turn red when steamed. It’s considered an incredibly powerful adaptogen and male tonic.

Red ginseng contains active compounds called ginsenosides that inhibit the conversion of testosterone to weaker androgens like androstenedione. Research confirms it can significantly improve erectile function.

How it works: Preserves testosterone by preventing its conversion into other hormones. Also enhances nitric oxide production to improve blood flow.


  • Preserves and boosts testosterone
  • Treats erectile dysfunction
  • Increases libido and sexual performance
  • Reduces inflammation

Dosage: 600-900mg daily

Now let‘s summarize some of the impressive research on these herbs:

Herb Avg Testosterone Increase Other Benefits
Tribulus 16-28% enhanced libido
Ashwagandha 15% reduced anxiety, improved sexual function
Fenugreek 25% increased sexual arousal and performance
Ginger 17.7% higher sperm count, greater libido
Red Ginseng N/A treats ED, boosts nitric oxide

Why Boost Your Testosterone Naturally?

As you can see, these herbs have been scientifically proven to increase testosterone levels and provide additional health benefits:

Improved Physical Performance: With more testosterone, it becomes easier to build lean muscle mass, boost strength, and reduce body fat. You‘ll have more energy to power through tough workouts.

Better Sexual Function: Optimal testosterone levels are crucial for a healthy libido and high-quality erections. These herbs enhance sexual performance and enjoyment.

Increased Confidence: With heightened testosterone comes a boost in motivation, energy, and alpha male mentality. You‘ll feel more driven, focused and confident.

Better Moods: Lower testosterone is linked to depression and irritability. These herbs help normalize test levels so you feel more mentally sharp and positive.

How to Add These Herbs to Your Routine

Now let’s go over some tips for incorporating these test-boosting herbs:

  • Take supplements: Look for standardized herbal extracts in capsule or powder form for optimal dosing and purity. Follow dosage directions.

  • Use herb powders: Add herbs like ashwagandha, maca, or ginger powder to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, or protein shakes for extra benefit.

  • Make herbal teas: Steep ginseng, fenugreek, or tribulus in hot water for 5+ minutes to make a rejuvenating tea.

  • Add to recipes: Use fresh or powdered herbs like ginger and fenugreek when cooking curries, stir fries, rice dishes etc.

  • Mix with other beverages: Add some tribulus or maca powder to your post-workout shake or morning coffee for an extra kick.

When buying herb supplements, look for brands that are certified organic, non-GMO, and free of unnecessary fillers. A reputable brand ensures higher quality and safety.

Potential Side Effects and Risks

While generally well tolerated, here are some potential side effects to be aware of:

  • Digestive upset like nausea or diarrhea
  • Headaches, dizziness, and insomnia at high doses
  • Blood thinning effects – do not take ginseng alongside anticoagulant medications
  • May interact negatively with antidepressants and morphine
  • Rare allergic reactions in those sensitive to plants from the ginseng family

To stay safe, always follow dosage directions carefully and consult your doctor before taking new herbs, especially if you have any medical condition or take prescription medications. Discontinue use if any concerning symptoms develop.

And most importantly – do not rely solely on herbs as your testosterone “fix.” Make lifestyle changes like exercising, sleeping well, reducing stress, and eating a healthy whole foods diet. This will provide long-lasting T benefits.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to increase low testosterone levels, evidence shows certain herbs can provide a natural, subtle boost safely and effectively. The top 5 herbs are tribulus terrestris, ashwagandha, fenugreek, ginger and red ginseng.

Research suggests these herbs work by reducing cortisol, inhibiting testosterone-converting enzymes, and increasing luteinizing hormone – resulting in higher testosterone levels and better health.

As always, speak to your doctor before taking new supplements, especially if you have any medical conditions. While herbs can give your testosterone levels a nudge in the right direction, don’t forget to make broader lifestyle changes to support your health and hormones.

Alright my friend, I hope this breakdown gave you some ideas on how to boost your testosterone naturally. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Written by Jason Striegel

C/C++, Java, Python, Linux developer for 18 years, A-Tech enthusiast love to share some useful tech hacks.