What is 414 Request URI Too Long Error and How to Fix It

Dealing with the "414 URI Too Long" error is a rite of passage for any seasoned web developer. After encountering it across 15 years managing high-traffic sites, I‘ve gotten to know this status code intimately!

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll deep dive into what causes 414 errors, top troubleshooting tips, how to prevent it in the first place, and just about everything in between. Got a few minutes? Let‘s conquer the 414 error together!

What is a 414 Request URI Too Long Error?

First things first – what exactly is the 414 status code trying to tell us?

The 414 error occurs when the total length of the requested URL exceeds the maximum URI size that the web server is configured to allow.

I‘m sure we‘ve all seen comically long URLs from time to time while browsing or reviewing server logs. The 414 puts a stop to that nonsense!

The formal specification states the 414 error should be returned when:

"The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret."

So in human speak, it means "Woah there buddy, that URL is just way too long for me to handle!" 😅

The "request URI" refers specifically to the string that identifies the resource being requested from the server. This is most often simply the URL that was requested.

When Do 414 Request URI Errors Occur?

Before diving into the causes, it helps to understand in what contexts you‘re likely to run into 414 errors:

User Clicks Link

The most straightforward case – a user clicks or navigates to an excessively long URL, and boom…414.

Page Redirects

Redirects are sneaky – if the destination URL is too long, the redirect itself fails with a 414.

Form Submissions

POST requests that convert form data into a query string could exceed length limits. Watch out for forms with many fields.

Web Crawlers

Bots recursively crawling and indexing pages may accidentally build up extremely long URLs.

External Trackers

Analytics scripts, A/B testing tools, and monitoring services often tack on lengthy tracking parameters.

Web Applications

Complex web apps with deeply nested routes or verbose APIs hitting limits.

Mobile Apps

Native mobile apps generating URLs to backend APIs can sometimes create URIs that are just too darn long!

So in summary, the issue arises anytime a URL longer than what the server permits gets requested. Let‘s explore why that happens next…

Common Causes of 414 Request URI Too Long Errors

Based on my experience managing sites generating billions of requests, here are the most common culprits behind 414 errors:

Excessively Long Query Strings

The query string comprises the parameters after the "?" in a URL. Having many long query param values is an easy way to blow past length limits.

Too Many URL Parameters

Even if query string values are reasonably short, simply having a high number of parameters can exceed limits.

Incorrect URL Encoding

How the URL gets encoded dramatically impacts the total byte length. Incorrect encoding can really inflate things.

Unintended Concatenation

Some frameworks accidentally build up huge URLs by improperly concatenating strings together.

Chained Redirects

When redirects append more and more params on each hop, it eventually balloons into a 414.

Complex URL Paths

Deeply nested paths with long folder and file names hit URI size limits. Stick to succinct naming conventions.

Tracking Scripts

External analytics services and testing tools are top culprits, with all their identifying query params.

Too Many URL Segments

More parts like subdomains, subfolders, docs fragments – it all adds up!

Verbose Web Frameworks

Some frameworks encourage verbose URLs that are hundreds of chars long or have deeply nested routes.

So in summary, 414s are most often caused by overly complex, messy, bloated URLs with lots of unnecessary cruft tacked on. Let‘s dig into debugging techniques next.

How to Troubleshoot "414 URI Too Long" Errors

With debugging, the first step is identifying the specific URL triggering the 414 error.

Here are the top troubleshooting tips I‘ve learned over the years:

Check Server Logs

Your server access logs record the full URI of every request. Scan for 414 status codes to find problematic URLs.

Inspect Browser Developer Tools

Modern browser DevTools include a "Network" tab that shows all request details – extremely helpful for diagnosing 414s!

Use a URI Decoder Tool

Tools to decode and inspect URIs help breakdown where all the length is coming from.

Simplify The URI

Remove unnecessary params to test which additions push the URL over the limit.

Compare Browser Behavior

One browser‘s URI encoding may be more compact than others, affecting the length.

Note Intermittent Issues

Transient spikes from bots or scripts can cause intermittent 414 errors.

Verify On Live vs Local Environments

A 414 locally but not on live points to something unique to the production environment.

Review Server Settings

Compare URI size limit configs between environments to identify discrepancies.

Search Framework Bug Trackers

Look for other reports of 414s – may reveal bugs generating huge URLs.

Pro Tip: I always start debugging 414s by inspecting the Network tab of browser DevTools on the failing request to isolate the specific long URI.

This troubleshooting approach helps narrow down the root cause behind the excessive URI length. Now let‘s shift gears to resolution and prevention…

How to Fix "414 URI Too Long" Errors

Whenever you encounter 414 errors, there are a few ways to address them:

1. Increase the URI Limit

The quick fix – bump up the LimitRequestLine directive in your server config. But this just papers over the problem.

2. Simplify & Shrink the URI

More work, but better to shorten the URI by removing unnecessary cruft, encoding efficiently, etc.

3. Split Across Multiple URLs

For APIs, you can divide large requests across several smaller URIs.

4. Cache Identical Requests

CDNs and reverse proxies can return cached responses instead of reformulating the URI.

5. Reconfigure URL Routing Rules

Tweaking framework routing patterns to produce simpler URLs prevents bogged down URI generation.

6. Adjust Database Schema

Review if your database design is contributing to bloated URLs exceeding limits.

Depending on context, I‘d typically start by optimizing the actual URLs, and only increase limits as a last resort. Let‘s explore more URI best practices next.

Best Practices for Avoiding 414 URI Too Long Errors

Here are my top recommendations for avoiding 414 errors, from 15 years of hands-on experience:

  • Simplify URLs down to bare essentials only
  • Limit number of query string parameters
  • Shorten URL segment names
  • Watch out for chained redirects appending more and more params
  • Mind your URL encoding – stick with compact options like ASCII
  • Check URI size before redirecting if possible
  • Monitor URI lengths approaching the limit and alert
  • Limit external scripts injecting unnecessary params
  • Normalize apostrophes/whitespace to avoid inflating URIs

Adopting URI length best practices prevents even getting close to limits in the first place.

Real World Examples of 414 Errors

To ground things, let‘s examine a few real-world examples of 414 errors I‘ve debugged recently:

Example 1: Tracking Params Run Amok


Here the original URI was reasonably sized, but all the appended tracking params pushed it way over the URI limit.

Example 2: API Request Bloat


This API request to fetch paginated user data was bloated with filtering, sorting, and pagination params.

Example 3: CMS Generated Mega URL


The CMS made unnecessarily long URLs with over 20 path parts like this all over the site!

Debugging real world examples of 414 errors in the wild demystifies the problem for newcomers.

Recommended URI Length Limits

Based on my experience managing high scale web apps, here are the URI length limits I‘d recommend for different traffic levels:

Low Traffic Site

Around 5,000 characters is reasonable for a low traffic site.

server {

  # ... 

  limit_req_line 8000;


Medium Traffic Site

For a medium traffic site, I‘d go with a 10,000 character URI limit.

LimitRequestLine 10000

High Traffic Site

On high traffic sites, I‘d set the URI limit around 15,000 chars to be safe.

large_client_header_buffers 4 32k;

Extra High Traffic Site

For ultra high traffic sites, a 20,000 char URI limit should suffice in most cases.

large_client_header_buffers 8 64k; 

Your traffic levels and typical URI lengths will dictate the ideal limit. Start high, monitor URI lengths, and reduce the limit if you see a lot of headroom.

In Closing

Hopefully this guide provided tons of helpful tips and got you up to speed on dealing with 414 URI too long errors!

My top pieces of advice:

  • Always start by inspecting the specific problem URI closely
  • Simplify URLs as much as possible without superfluous elements
  • Tweak server URI size limits, but focus on URL hygiene
  • Monitor URI lengths before limits are hit
  • Mind external scripts cluttering up URIs

Learning to tame excessively long URIs will serve you well as both a web developer and SEO. Got any other questions? Feel free to reach out!

Written by Jason Striegel

C/C++, Java, Python, Linux developer for 18 years, A-Tech enthusiast love to share some useful tech hacks.