Where Does WordPress Store Images on Your Site? An In-Depth Guide for Beginners

As a WordPress user with 15+ years of experience managing websites, I know how confusing the inner workings of WordPress can be at first. One common question I get from beginners is: where does WordPress actually store my images when I upload them?

It‘s an important question, and understanding how WordPress handles your media files gives you more control and better organization. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through exactly where WordPress stores images, how the storage system works, and tips to optimize your media library.

A Quick Overview of How WordPress Stores Uploaded Images

When you upload an image in the WordPress admin dashboard, here is what happens behind the scenes:

  • The image file itself is stored on your web host server‘s file system, by default in the /wp-content/uploads/ directory.

  • Metadata and details about the image are stored in the WordPress database. This powers the media library.

  • Resized thumbnail versions of the image are generated for efficient delivery to site visitors.

  • Uploaded images can be inserted into posts, pages, and widgets by referencing their attachment ID and media details.

So in summary, your actual image files reside on your server, while the media library and data exists in your database. Let‘s explore both of these parts in more detail…

Where Image Files Are Stored on Your Web Server

When you upload an image file in WordPress, the file gets stored on your web host‘s server. By default, WordPress stores all uploaded images, videos, PDFs, and other media in the /wp-content/uploads/ directory.

Within this uploads folder, WordPress organizes your media into year and month-based folders. For example, an image uploaded in March 2022 would be stored here:


This default storage method keeps your media library clean and organized. The key thing to understand is that your actual image files reside on your host‘s server file system, not in the WordPress database.

Viewing Image Files Via SFTP

As the site owner, you can view the image files directly on your server using SFTP, SSH, FTP, or your hosting provider‘s file manager.

When connected to your server via one of these methods, navigate to /wp-content/uploads/ to see all uploaded images, videos, and docs.

Being able to see the raw files on the server allows you to:

  • Verify that images are being stored properly.
  • Manually edit, delete, or replace files outside of WordPress.
  • Identify issues with problematic images that won‘t load.

However, it‘s best practice to manage your media through the WordPress dashboard whenever possible. Manual edits can sometimes lead to conflicts with your database.

How WordPress Stores Image Details in the Database

The media library page in your WordPress dashboard provides convenient management tools and insights into your uploaded files. But where does all of this visual data come from?

While your image files are stored on your server, all of the metadata, captions, urls, etc are stored in your WordPress database. There are two relevant database tables:


When an image is uploaded, WordPress creates an "attachment" post type record in wp_posts. This stores info like:

  • Attachment ID
  • File name
  • File size
  • Width and height
  • Uploader username
  • Date uploaded


Additional image metadata like captions, alt text, and descriptions are stored in wp_postmeta. These details are associated with the attachment ID.

Viewing your WordPress database tables directly shows you the underlying image data. But it‘s not something you need to bother with as the site owner – just understand that‘s where the media library information exists.

When you insert an image into a page or post, WordPress stores a reference to the associated attachment ID. This ties your image data to the post content for displaying the image.

Pretty clever right? This database-driven system enables powerful media management without you having to worry about the complex data storage details.

How To Change Where WordPress Stores Uploaded Images

The default location for storing uploaded files in /wp-content/uploads/ works well for most sites. But sometimes you may want to customize where image files are stored. Common reasons include:

  • Placing your uploads folder outside of the core WordPress directory for security purposes.

  • Organizing uploads into additional folders by month, post type, or other structures.

  • Storing media files on a separate drive or external storage for capacity.

However, it‘s critical to understand that changing the uploads folder path after already adding images will break those existing media URLs across your site.

The URLs of images inserted into posts rely on that default location to work properly. If you modify the path later on, those URLs will break.

Therefore, it‘s best to define a custom uploads folder location in your wp-config.php file before adding any media to the site. That way, your media library will be built with the new location in mind.

Here is an example snippet for defining a custom uploads path in wp-config.php:

define( ‘UPLOADS‘, ‘/custom/path/‘ );

This must be added before the line That‘s all, stop editing! in your config file.

Again, only do this before uploading media to avoid mass URL issues down the road. In most cases, it‘s best to just use the standard uploads folder path that WordPress provides.

Controlling the Image Sizes Generated by WordPress

When you upload an image, WordPress automatically generates smaller thumbnail versions for efficient delivery to your visitors.

By default, WordPress creates three sizes:

  • Thumbnail – Default 150px wide.
  • Medium – Default 300px wide.
  • Large – Default 640px wide.

The original image is also stored, so you end up with four total sizes. This is what allows WordPress to serve an appropriately sized image for different contexts across your site. Using a thumbnail versus the full size version greatly improves page speeds.

You can control the default dimensions of these sizes and register custom sizes by adding code to your theme‘s functions.php file.

For example, many themes will register a "post-thumbnail" size tailored to featured images on blog listings and archives:

add_image_size( ‘post-thumbnail‘, 350, 233, true ); 

This generates a 350×233 pixel image size for all uploads. The true parameter crops images to fit those exact dimensions.

Consider your image size needs when tweaking these settings. Find a good balance between image quality and performance.

Managing a Large WordPress Media Library

The default storage organization into year/month folders works great out of the box. But for sites with thousands of uploads, you may need more customizable management.

Here are some tips for organizing a large WordPress media library:

  • Leverage categories – Just like posts, you can categorize media files based on projects, types, events, etc.

  • Implement tags – Use tags to label and group related images. Tags make searching easier.

  • Install organization plugins – Plugins like Media Library Assistant add advanced file structures.

  • Switch to cloud storage – Let a service like Amazon S3 handle your media for easier scaling.

  • Maintain a deletion schedule – Delete unused media periodically to archive only current assets.

Taking time to actively organize your WordPress media library will pay dividends down the road as your site continues growing.

Storing Images in the WordPress Database?

By default, WordPress stores images as files on your host server‘s file system. But what about storing images directly in the WordPress database?

The short answer is that storing images in the database is possible, but not recommended in most cases. Here‘s why:

  • Your database size will increase dramatically as binary image data builds up. This can slow down queries.
  • Retrieving images directly from the database is slower than serving static files.
  • Storing images in the database makes them tougher to reference in CSS and hotlink.
  • You lose the ability to edit images as distinct files.
  • Creating resized versions and transformations requires extra development work.

There are some niche cases where storing images in the database makes sense, like if you need to generate a unique image per page load.

But for most sites, the standard filesystem approach that WordPress uses is far more robust and efficient. Avoid putting images in the database unless you have a clear performance benefit for doing so.

Diagnosing and Fixing Broken Images

One of the most frustrating issues in WordPress is seeing images load as broken icons across your site. What causes this, and how can you fix it?

Broken images are always caused by the image URL stored in the database becoming out of sync with the actual file on your server. Here are some common mis-matches that lead to broken images:

Incorrect file path – If your uploads folder structure changes, existing image URLs can break. Use a consistent organization scheme.

Deleted image file – Manually deleting images on the server through SFTP leaves invalid entries in the database.

Incorrect permissions – Upload folders need proper permissions for the web server user to access image files.

Database corruption – Image attachment data can become corrupted through flawed migrations or db operations.

Plugin conflicts – Some plugins override the default media handling in WordPress and cause conflicts.

I recommend always managing images exclusively through the WordPress dashboard and API functions. Avoid manually deleting uploaded files on your server, which often leads to trouble.

To diagnose broken images, use a plugin like Imagify or Spectrum to analyze your media library health. They help identify missing or corrupt files.

In many cases, running a "Regenerate Thumbnails" plugin can re-sync the database entries with your actual image files, fixing broken images in the process.

With proper permissions and organization, you can minimize and quickly troubleshoot broken images caused by file and database mismatches.

Optimizing Your Images for Web Performance

With the average web page now containing around 100KB of images, optimizing your visual assets is crucial for fast performance. Here are some key image optimization tips:

  • Pick the right file format – Use JPEG for photos, PNG for logos/illustrations, and GIF for simple images.

  • Find the optimal compression level – Lossy compression reduces file size while retaining quality.

  • Employ advanced image editing – Cropping, resizing, and compression before uploading saves space.

  • Take advantage of CDNs – Distribute media through a content delivery network to improve speed.

  • Implement lazy loading – Only load images as they become visible on screen.

  • Serve appropriately sized images – Use WordPress‘ multiple thumbnail sizes for faster delivery.

  • Resize large images – Scale down full resolution images before adding them to your media library.

According to HTTP Archive, the average WordPress site has a total image size of 1.7MB as of January 2022. By optimizing your images, you can often reduce this by 50% or more.

Less bytes delivered means faster load times. Use tools like Optimole or Shortpixel to automatically compress images on upload. The performance gains are worth it!

Securing Your Uploaded Media

The default permissions set on the uploads folder in WordPress (755 or 775) allow the files to be viewed publicly for image delivery. However, this introduces some security risks.

Attackers could potentially access a list of all your uploaded files if they know the URL path. They may also be able to execute PHP files uploaded inadvertently.

To improve security, consider:

  • Setting more restrictive permissions like 700 or 755 on the uploads folder.

  • Moving the uploads folder above the web root if not using object cache.

  • Blocking direct web access to images and instead proxying through PHP.

  • Limiting image insertion to your domain only through .htaccess rules.

With proper precautions, you can securely deliver WordPress images to your site without exposing the source files. As with all things security related, extra layers of protection are beneficial.


I hope this detailed guide gives you a solid understanding of where and how WordPress stores your images. Learning WordPress internals like this will make you a more knowledgeable and empowered site owner or developer.

The core of WordPress‘ media storage approach uses your web server‘s file system for the actual image files, along with database tables for powering the media library. Keeping your files organized and database entries in sync avoids common issues like broken images.

With the right optimization and security tactics, you can build a high-performance media library that continues working smoothly as your WordPress site grows. Use this guide as a reference whenever you need to troubleshoot image related problems, or want to customize and improve your site‘s media handling.

Written by Jason Striegel

C/C++, Java, Python, Linux developer for 18 years, A-Tech enthusiast love to share some useful tech hacks.