How to Insert Ads Within Your Post Content in WordPress: The Complete Guide

WPCode Auto Insert

Placing ads within your post content is one of the most effective ways to monetize a WordPress site. This allows you to generate income from the sections of your site that get the most visitor engagement.

But where exactly should you put the ads? And how do you implement them technically on WordPress?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll share tactics from over 15 years of hands-on experience running ad-supported websites.

You‘ll learn:

  • The best practices for placing in-post ads
  • How to insert ads in WordPress posts programmatically
  • The pros and cons of different technical approaches
  • Code examples and implementation instructions
  • Tips to maximize views and clicks

Let‘s dive in.

Why Insert Ads in Post Content?

Unlike sidebar or banner ads, readers expect to see ads within article content. Putting ads in your posts allows you to monetize while providing a natural ad experience.

According to statistics from MonetizePros, in-content ads generate 68% higher click-through rates compared to sidebar display ads.

This is because text ads blend seamlessly into content. They don‘t obstruct reading, so readers will notice them more when consuming your articles.

In-post ads also provide more contextually relevant placement. You can target ads based on the topic of the content itself.

Finally, content ads give flexibility. You can place them at strategic locations to balance readability with visibility.

Now let‘s see how to technically implement in-post ads in WordPress.

Method #1: Using an Ad Inserter Plugin

The easiest way to insert ads into your content is by using an ad management plugin for WordPress.

The benefit of plugins is you don‘t have to edit any code. Instead, you handle everything from an intuitive admin dashboard.

Some great options include:

  • WPCode – Offers granular targeting and automatic insertion.
  • Ad Inserter – Provides precision placement options.
  • Advanced Ads – Great for managing multiple ad networks.

Based on over 15 years of testing ad plugins, we recommend WPCode for most users.

Here are some key reasons why:

  • Automatic insertion: WPCode can automatically insert ads in content without coding. Just enable and configure the snippet.

  • Visual editor: It provides a visual editor to quickly add or edit ad code without touching theme files.

  • Granular targeting: You can precisely target ads to page types, URLs, categories, etc.

  • Device detection: Display ads only on mobile or desktop with a single click.

  • Ease of use: The intuitive UI makes it easy for beginners to start monetizing.

Let‘s go through a simple tutorial on how to use WPCode to insert ads into posts.

Step 1: Install and Activate WPCode

First, install and activate the WPCode plugin on your WordPress site. You can search for it via Plugins > Add New.

Or you can manually download and install the plugin zip file if preferred.

Step 2: Create New Ad Code Snippet

Upon activating WPCode, navigate to Code Snippets > + Add Snippet in your WordPress dashboard.

Next, hover over Add Your Custom Code and click Use Snippet to create a new blank snippet.

WPCode Add New Snippet

Then give your snippet a title so you can identify it later.

Step 3: Paste Ad Code

Now paste your ad code into the code editor box. You can get ad code from networks like Google AdSense, Ezoic, Mediavine, or BuySellAds.

Or if you have your own ad creative, add the full code for your custom ad unit.

WPCode Paste Ad Code

Be sure to choose "HTML Snippet" as the code type.

Step 4: Choose Automatic Insertion

Scroll down to the Insertion section and select Auto Insert. This will automatically insert the ad in your chosen locations.

For placing ads in content, choose After Paragraph from the dropdown menu.

WPCode Auto Insert

You can display the ad after any paragraph by changing the number. Start with 1 to insert after the first paragraph.

Step 5: Target and Save

Next, use the targeting rules to define where the ad should appear. For example, only in posts or certain categories.

Finally, click Save Snippet and activate the snippet to start inserting ads automatically.

That‘s it! WPCode will now display your ad code after the specified paragraph in posts.

The same steps work for inserting ads before/after images, videos, quotes and more.

Method #2: Using Code Snippets

If you‘d rather not use a plugin, code snippets provide a lightweight way to insert ads directly into your theme.

Snippets allow you to add the necessary PHP code without editing theme files. This is easier to manage than placing code in functions.php.

Here are two good snippet plugins:

  • WPCode – Provides an editor to manage snippets visually.
  • Code Snippets – A simple no-frills snippet manager.

How to Insert Ads Using Snippets

To demonstrate, we‘ll use WPCode to add an automatic ad insertion snippet:

Step 1) Create new snippet

Step 2) Add PHP code to hook into the_content and insert ad after paragraph 2:

function insert_post_ad( $content ) {

  $ad_code = ‘<div>Ads code here</div>‘;

  if( is_single() ) {
    return insert_after_paragraph( $ad_code, 2, $content );

  return $content;

add_filter( ‘the_content‘, ‘insert_post_ad‘ );

function insert_after_paragraph( $ad, $paragraph_id, $content ) {
   // logic to insert ad after paragraph

Step 3) Save and activate snippet

Once the snippet is active, the ad will automatically insert into post content on the frontend.

The benefit of snippets is ease of use and portability. You can reuse the same snippet code on any WordPress site.

Overall, snippets strike a nice balance between coding flexibility and simplicity.

Method #3: Using Custom Code in Theme Files

For maximum control and customization, you can hard-code ad insertion directly in your theme.

This involves adding PHP functions to your theme‘s functions.php file or custom plugin files.

Some examples of what you can do:

  • Insert ads after specific elements like images or headings
  • Schedule ads to display only on certain dates/times
  • Show different ad units based on post categories or tags
  • Change ad frequency based on word count or reading time

Coding everything yourself allows endless possibilities to tailor ads according to your business needs.

Here is some sample code to insert an ad after the second heading in posts:

function insert_ad_after_heading( $content ) {

  //Display ad after H2 in posts
  if( is_single() ) {
     return insert_after_element( 
       ‘<div>Ad Code Here</div>‘,
       2 //after second heading

  return $content;

add_filter( ‘the_content‘, ‘insert_ad_after_heading‘ );

The pros of hard coding ad insertion are full control and customization. But the downside is it requires strong PHP skills and manual updates any time needs change.

So weigh whether it‘s worth the extra effort based on the complexity of your ad integrations.

Best Practices for Post Content Ads

Now that you know how to insert ads, let‘s discuss some best practices to optimize them.

Follow these tips for higher ad clicks and earnings:

  • Blend with content: Use ad styles that match your post design. Native styles perform better.

  • Avoid Above the Fold: Don‘t insert ads immediately visible upon loading. Wait until the second or third paragraph.

  • Be consistent: Insert ads in the same position across all posts for predictability.

  • Limit frequency: Only insert 1-2 ads per post max. Too many hurts experience.

  • Highlight sponsored: Clearly indicate sponsored articles to build reader trust.

  • Monitor performance: Track ad clicks and tweak placements based on metrics.

  • A/B test: Try different ad units, positions, frequencies to find what works.

Inserting ads takes testing and optimization. Follow these tips and keep improving as you learn more about your audience.


Placing ads within post content allows you to effectively monetize while providing a seamless visitor experience.

To recap, you have three options for technically implementing in-post ads on WordPress:

  • Plugins: Offer automatic insertion and easy management through the dashboard. Great for beginners.

  • Code snippets: Provide flexibility to insert ads without added bloat. Ideal for developers.

  • Custom code: Allows endless customization possibilities but requires PHP skills.

We recommend most users start with a dedicated ad plugin like WPCode or Ad Inserter. The benefits of automated targeting and placement make monetizing easy.

For more advanced users, programmatically inserting ads via code snippets or custom functions is powerful but requires more effort.

Hopefully this guide provided a methodology to get in-content ads implemented on your WordPress site quickly and optimally.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Written by Jason Striegel

C/C++, Java, Python, Linux developer for 18 years, A-Tech enthusiast love to share some useful tech hacks.